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Aloft Launches Planning Checklists and Mission Approvals

Advanced mission planning is now available in Air Control! Operational workflows now support a planning section for checklists and risk assessments designed to help you streamline the mission planning process. We’ve seen how guided workflows have become popular among our users to simplify the logging of operations and procedures.

The planning workflow enables you to add planning steps to the mission creation process and offers more structure to your pilot’s planning process. For example, operational procedures may call for checking airspace, authorization needs, weather forecast, etc. several days in advance of a scheduled mission.

When a mission’s status is set to ‘Planning’, the pilot is prompted to “Complete Planning” steps for their mission.

Operators can now run checklists and risk assessments right from their web browser to ensure the necessary steps are taken before their mission is approved and flight ever begins, saving you time and effort.

The pilot is walked through the planning procedure right on their web browser. Progress can be saved and returned to at any time.

Planning workflow steps are highly customizable and can be set as required or optional by administrators depending on your mission needs. It provides the same flexibility as our existing preflight and post-flight options, allowing you to tailor it down to mission-specific requirements.

In conjunction with mission planning, we’ve also introduced a new permission defining who can approve missions. Now, approval can be limited to select roles (e.g. Admins, Chief Pilots) giving you more control over how and when pilots are given the green light to fly.

These enhanced mission planning features are the latest example of how Air Control streamlines advanced drone operations for Aloft’s enterprise users. These tools are becoming more necessary in order to run safe, compliant, and efficient operations; especially as the drones and use cases get more complex. Stay tuned for future updates on additional tools that will complement these advanced workflows and mission requirements in Air Control!