How to Search Different Locations and Apply for LAANC on Aloft Air Control on Web & Mobile
How to Search Different Locations and Apply for LAANC on Aloft Air Control on Web & Mobile
Watch this video to learn how to search for different locations than your current location and apply for a LAANC authorization in controlled airspace on the Aloft Air Control App and Web Dashboard.
Still have questions? Reach out to our support team using the button below.
How to Apply for and Manage LAANC Authorizations on the Aloft Air Control App and Web Dashboard
How to Apply for and Manage LAANC Authorizations on the Aloft Air Control App and Web Dashboard
Watch this video to learn how to apply for and manage LAANC Authorizations on the Aloft Air Control App and Web Dashboard.
Still have questions? Reach out to our support team using the button below.
How to Update a User Profile on the Aloft Air Control App and Web Dashboard
How to Update a User Profile on the Aloft Air Control App and Web Dashboard
Watch this video to learn more to update your user profile on the Aloft Air Control app and web dashboard.
Still have questions? Reach out to our support team using the button below.
How to Use Aloft Air Control for Individual Pilots
How to Use Aloft Air Control for Individual Pilots
The new Air Control mobile and web apps for free users combine the best of the original Aloft mobile apps with new data management features used by our enterprise customers.
It’s available now on iOS, Android, and the web.
Watch the video below to learn more about how to use Aloft Air Control.
Still have questions? Reach out to our support team using the button below.
The Aloft Air Control Training Video Series

We are excited to introduce Aloft’s Air Control training video series. These seven short tutorial videos aim to help users learn all the functionality of the Aloft Air Control platform in sections.
Here is a brief description of each video in the series in order as they appear.
Click on the video cover image below to watch any of the seven videos in the series.
This video gives an introduction to Air Control and the functionality of the platform for drone pilot and fleet management.
This video explains how to take advantage of the management tools on Aloft Air Control’s web dashboard.
This video shows how to use the admin tools for managing users, roles, and workflows.
This video explains how to create missions on the web dashboard of Air Control.
This video explains how to create missions from the Air Control mobile app.
This video explains how to use filters, tags, and exports to organize and break down your enterprise drone program’s data for insights into the operations.
This video explains how to use Air Control’s reporting tools to analyze your enterprise drone program’s data.
View all the videos in the Aloft Air Control Tutorial playlist here.
Reach out to the Aloft team at or click the button below for a free demo of Aloft Air Control today.
How do I file LAANC for someone else?
In the Aloft (formerly Kittyhawk) platform, a UAS program manager can apply for a LAANC authorization on behalf of the UAS operator in the field who will be flying the mission, even if those people are scattered across the country. This saves time for the operator, gives a program manager a lot more flexibility to assign missions, and makes it much easier to track LAANC authorizations across an organization.
Does LAANC unlock my DJI Geofence in a no-fly zone (NFZ)?
No. Even though we have authorization directly from the FAA, we still need to provide the drone with a DJI unlock code so the aircraft knows it’s okay to take off.
The first step for flying in controlled airspace is to receive our authorization. This can be through immediate LAANC approvals, further coordinated LAANC, or even an airspace authorization or waiver through the FAA's Dronezone.
You may also run into the DJI Geofence System in airspace that is not listed as controlled airspace by the FAA.
Once we have the authorization, we then have to tell the drone (specifically DJI hardware) that it's okay to fly. This is controlled through their Geofencing system, and you can receive an Unlock Code from DJI once you have authorization (done through their apps or their website). Based on their maps, if you're in a blue zone, you can request a "Self Unlock".
If you're in a red/restricted DJI zone, this will require a "Custom Unlock" through their website, and requires you to upload proof of your authorization. If you have an Aloft (formerly Kittyhawk) Enterprise account, you can easily download your LAANC authorization as a .PDF from the Air Control web dashboard (Manage> Authorizations).
While it's currently a two-step process, we're working on making it a seamless experience where receiving authorization could also request this unlock code at the same time.
Can I file a NOTAM?
We currently do not support filing NOTAMS from within Aloft (formerly Kittyhawk).
You can check for NOTAMS via the Aloft Dynamic Airspace maps.
Can admins get alerts for new missions?
Yes! Aloft (formerly Kittyhawk) can notify you Admins and Chief PIlots when pilots create new missions.
This can be set up by going to Planning > Missions on the web dashboard. You’ll find notification settings in the upper right corner.
You will want to add the Admins that need to be alerted of new missions to this notification list.
Who can approve missions?
This is an account-related user permission setting. Please contact your account administrator.
Planning a new mission
Aloft (formerly Kittyhawk) Mission Planning
Within Aloft, the Mission is the central object that ties together all our individual flight activities. Checklists, risk assessments, documents, authorizations, documents, and more can be associated with the mission. Whether a request from management, legal department, insurance, or the FAA, this stores your flight records in a single system of record that you can reference at any moment for such audits.
Mission workflows within Aloft can be flexible! Whether you have Program Admins involved in the assignment of missions to internal teams and vendors, or your operators have the autonomy to go out on their own, there's a way to support that flow within Aloft. The following resources are generic workflows and best practices used and recommended by our team and client base.
Here are a few links that will help you piece together your very own mission planning workflow that supports your program's goals and helps your operators meet the expectation set in your Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs):
.PDF Document Kittyhawk Workflow Documentation (Template)
YouTube Kittyhawk Mission Workflow Example (Web and iOS)
Why are my missions sitting as “Requested”?
To clarify, there is a difference between creating a mission and filing for LAANC authorization. The mission serves as a way to tie flight records from multiple pilots each conducting their own checklists, risk assessments, etc. The mission feature also supports the ability for Admins to monitor account activity and manually approve each flight. LAANC is a separate process to receive airspace authorization which you should receive approvals immediately - unless requesting for a high altitude than allowed. Below you can find a video for a breakdown of the LAANC process.
How do I learn more about FAA airspace designations?
You can learn more about the different categories of Airspace via the FAA.
For more info specifically on Class E Airspace, please check here.
How do I make sure I’m doing everything correctly before a flight in Aloft?