Hey Kittyhawkers!
It’s been a while since we updated you on Kittyhawk, and boy do we have a lot to share.
The biggest news is our recent funding round to the tune of $5M from Boeing’s Horizon X Ventures and several other top VC firms. We are thrilled and humbled to have the world’s largest and most renowned aviation company supporting our vision for the future of UAS management. You can read all about it in our press release or Boeing’s press release.
We raised the capital to further develop our capabilities as a full stack enterprise drone solution to empower you to derive even more value from your commercial drone operations.
CEO Jon Hegranes, in his latest blog post, goes into great detail about where we will be spending and investing our resources in the near future. Here is an excerpt from Jon’s post:
‘Drone operations’ used to mean flight logging, the place where Kittyhawk began. Today we’re focused on much larger pieces of operations, including things like developing LAANC and UTM solutions, building out our automated flight tools for more rigorous and granular data analysis, and ultimately gearing these tools to different countries and localizations around the world.
LAANC Update – We’re Almost There
Earlier this year we announced our partnership with Boeing subsidiary Jeppesen to integrate LAANC (Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability) into our platform. Although we are discussing several other projects together, providing you with near instantaneous flight authorizations in controlled airspace is our #1 priority. We’ve made a ton of progress over the last couple of months culminating with the team spending a week with the FAA in DC to iron out all the details, while our engineering team has been working overtime to ensure our solution conforms to the Kittyhawk standard. So expect a fast, intuitive and easy to use authorization process when we launch. Look out for more details and an official announcement in the very near future.
We’re Hiring!
We’re strong and growing, and always on the lookout for great people. If you’re eager to help build the autonomous future like we are, take a look at our careers page or send us a note and share your ideas.
Kittyhawk in the News
Over the last few years, we’ve increasingly voiced our views on where the UAS industry is going and the media has taken notice. Here are some recent articles and a podcast you may enjoy.
Commercial UAV News
Redefining the “R” in ROI for Commercial Drone Programs with Kittyhawk – an interview with Joshua Ziering and Jon Hegranes
Fast Company
The U.S. is opening prime urban sky to commercial drones
Josh Ziering: Kittyhawk Forges Ahead With $5M Funding from Bonfire Ventures, Boeing HorizonX
Inderdrone Podcast
Episode 6 – Unified Drone Operations with Joshua Ziering of Kittyhawk
Conference Season is Upon Us. Catch us if you can
As the industry grows, we grow with it. Our vision and expertise are increasingly recognized and we’ve been invited to speak at several conferences this year. Keep an eye out for Kittyhawk sessions, classes and panel discussions at Interdrone, Commercial UAV Expo, and DJI AirWorks. Hit us up if you are attending any of these events.
Stay Tuned for Next Time…
Thank you all for continuing to be a world-class community. The platform keeps growing with awesome new features and functionality with your support. Keep an eye out over the next couple of months as we will be introducing some exciting new changes to our product and announcing new projects with Boeing, Jeppesen, and other industry leaders around the world.
Let’s fly,
Team Kittyhawk

Kittyhawk unifies the mission, aircraft, and data to empower safe and effective enterprise drone operations.